Terms of Contract

Social Media Comment Policy

Watch Communications uses social networking platforms to connect and interact with different audiences. At this time, we share content on FacebookTwitter and LinkedIn. Each of these social networking platforms has their own privacy policy. Follow these links to learn more about a specific privacy policy: FacebookTwitter, and LinkedIn.

We encourage public interaction and communication about the content we post on our social media accounts. However, this does not imply that Watch Communications agrees with or accepts the content, opinions, or views expressed within any public comment. The person who posts a comment is solely responsible for the content of the comment.

While we do not discriminate against views or opinions posted to our social networking accounts, we reserve the right to remove or not approve any comment. A comment will not be edited or modified to remove unacceptable content; the entire comment will simply be deleted. We also reserve the right to block users who repeatedly violate these policies. Some of the reasons we may remove or not approve a comment are:

  • Abusive, vulgar, obscene, racist, threatening, or harassing comments.
  • Libel, slander, or personal attacks of any kind, including the use of offensive terms that target specific individuals or groups.
  • Spam, including content that promotes products or services or contains gratuitous links.
  • Makes unsupported accusations.
  • Comments that suggest or encourage illegal, dangerous, or destructive activity.
  • Duplicate posts.
  • Clearly off- topic.
  • Comments that are customer support questions (for that, please send us a Direct Message).
  • Moderating and posting comments should only be expected to occur during normal business hours.